Mom, Dad, Cat, Dog and the cutest kid ever.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
Youngberg Gift List CLARIFICATION
The gift list generated on Thanksgiving refers only to gifts to be exchanged by the cousins, their spouses and children. The adults (The Brothers and their spouses), if they choose to exchange presents, will work that out amongst themselves.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Doug's Gift Wish List
If you've been wondering what to get Doug for Christmas (or any other occasion) wonder no more. Doug's Gift Wish List, a blog, has been setup to keep you informed as to what's on Doug's list of things to get. From the necessities to the niceties. There have been so many people asking me about this I decided a blog was the only way to resolve the issue.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
DougandHannah: November 2003
Here are the momentous first words from the first blog postings one year ago today. Of course, it took us most of a year to get into it, but hey, look where we are today!
Sunday, November 21, 2004
We never made it to the Intrepid Museum but we still had a lot of fun. We're packing up and working our way to the airport now. A slight change of plans as we zoom through Cincinatti on the way home. Looking forward to putting the crowded streets behind us and seeing our little girl.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
It's a rainy day here on the Hudson River. We're still looking forward to some fun stuff. Possible activities: Ferry to Liberty Island and The Statue of Liverty, Touring U.S.S. Intrepid, Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, viewing Rockfeller Plaza Christmas Tree. We don't have time for all of them, so we'll update you when we can.
Friday, November 19, 2004
The Great Ingram Adventure: I ♥ NY - Day 2
We're getting a late start as the time stamp will tell. We're two hours ahead of that stamp here in Jersey City too. We'll get dressed up for the banquet and take the Holland Tunell over to Manhattan. Fill you in on the detials as they arise.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
The Great Ingram Adventure: I ♥ NY - Day 1
1st Class Trip
We’re starting a voyage to a couple cities that draw us back from time to time. Newark and New York. This time we are on business of a sort. My father is to be awarded a fellowship in the Amateur Radio Clubs of America at a ceremony tomorrow and we have been invited to witness the grand occasion. Of course, all the high society comes with a price, we couldn’t bring our little Emma on this trip. :-( But we’re happy to be along for what I’m sure is the event of a lifetime for my father. We should all be in Newark by late ths evening. Hannah is flying there from Houston, my parents flew in from SLC by way of Atlanta and I’m taking a late day non stop from Salt Lake. This brings me to my next topic, my fabulous luck! I am writing you from seat 3D of flight 1032, THAT’S FIRST CLASS BABY!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
To A Future Veteran:
This is my buddy Jerrod. We have been fast friends since Junior High. Even as we age and our families grow we have managed to retain a stong bond. This is a picture he sent me from Ft. Bliss, TX. He is now in Louisiana awaiting a year long deployment in Iraq. Veterans Day, like Memorial Day, has long held a special place in my heart, but today it's influence is particularly poigniant. I can't seem to get Jerrod out of my mind. I admire him for his willingness to serve. I don't think when he joined the Nat'l Gurad that he anticipated serving in an armed conflict, but his motivations were to serve a country he loved while providing for his family and I know he was ready to accept any challange that approached him while he served.
Now, I've tried to tell him how I feel about his recent call to service but won't hear of it. He's modest as most men and women of the armed forces are when it comes to being duly cited for thier service. But since he's not hear to stop me, I'm going to say that I feel like I owe him a heavy debt for his service. I understand some of what he is sacrificing and I cringe to think of how I would feel to sacrifice similarly. I know his service is not in vain, and is not for a lost cause. I belive his fight in Iraq prevents a fight in my front yard with those who mean to do me harm. I don't know that I would be able to repay this debt of gratitude, but I hope that knowing I owe him this debt is of some consolation. Thanks Jer, take care of yourself, fight the good fight.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Eye On Emma: Issue Three
Straws Over Sippys
Emma learns new tricks all the time and she's coming up with adorable idiosyncrasies almost hourly. Among the more monumental achievements is Emma's new ability to drink from a straw. She's been fascinated by straws since the day she gathered that mom & dad were getting food through them. She finally grasped the concept and now will scarcely touch her sippy cup.
Among her other advances is the more harrowing ability to climb on the sofa in our front room. She can't even walk yet but she's already learned to pull herself onto the cushions and slide herself off. The sofa serves as a barrier between the baby's half of the room and mom & dad's half. Emma realized that if she stood on top of the sofa she could get closer to dad. Our only problem with this development is that she hasn't figured out how to fall as gracefully from the arms of the sofa as from the front.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
We Voted
We took to the polls yesterday morning and watched for the results all evening, up till about 2:30am this morning (4:30 eastern). We had a great time flipping between NBC and FOX News wile comparing those results to The Drudge Report. We had a great time making fun of the local news guys trip all over themselves, watching Tom Brokaw stare in amazement as NBC called Ohio for Bush and laughed histaricly at the geriatric club on FOX News trying to keep up with each other. We're happy with the outcome of the race and look forward to the next four years!
Poor, Sick Hannah
My poor wife is still sick, and now we know why she's been laid up for so long. The doctor told us she has pneumonia. She's hacking it quite well, but the doc's got her taking the week off to get better. She's got a small pharmacy of antibiotics, cough medicine and other pills to get her all fixed up. Hannah says the toughest part of the whole deal is the cough syrup (codine) which practically puts her to sleep. I'm glad for that though as it forces her to lay down and get some rest!