Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Eye On Emma: Issue One
Intorducing the new format

Since the day Emma was born my wife and I have endevored to keep friends and family updated on her progress. We take great joy in announcing the milestones she reaches and sharing our experiences with our closest aquaintences. As blogging has become our preferred method of web publishing, we're in the process of eliminating the old static site and have decided to cease posting updates on the old Emma Page. Instead, we'll start keeping folks up to date here in order to simplify our publishing process and to centralize the family news to one spot.

Now we'll make note of Emmas advances here in the blog under the title of "Emma Eye-Openers". As these posts enter the archives we'll keep a list in the sidebar so you can recall past issues. We hope you enjoy hearing about Emmas accomplishments as much as we enjoy sharing them, thanks for reading up.


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