Thursday, November 11, 2004

To A Future Veteran:

This is my buddy Jerrod. We have been fast friends since Junior High. Even as we age and our families grow we have managed to retain a stong bond. This is a picture he sent me from Ft. Bliss, TX. He is now in Louisiana awaiting a year long deployment in Iraq. Veterans Day, like Memorial Day, has long held a special place in my heart, but today it's influence is particularly poigniant. I can't seem to get Jerrod out of my mind. I admire him for his willingness to serve. I don't think when he joined the Nat'l Gurad that he anticipated serving in an armed conflict, but his motivations were to serve a country he loved while providing for his family and I know he was ready to accept any challange that approached him while he served.

Now, I've tried to tell him how I feel about his recent call to service but won't hear of it. He's modest as most men and women of the armed forces are when it comes to being duly cited for thier service. But since he's not hear to stop me, I'm going to say that I feel like I owe him a heavy debt for his service. I understand some of what he is sacrificing and I cringe to think of how I would feel to sacrifice similarly. I know his service is not in vain, and is not for a lost cause. I belive his fight in Iraq prevents a fight in my front yard with those who mean to do me harm. I don't know that I would be able to repay this debt of gratitude, but I hope that knowing I owe him this debt is of some consolation. Thanks Jer, take care of yourself, fight the good fight.


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