Monday, November 08, 2004

Eye On Emma: Issue Three
Straws Over Sippys

Emma learns new tricks all the time and she's coming up with adorable idiosyncrasies almost hourly. Among the more monumental achievements is Emma's new ability to drink from a straw. She's been fascinated by straws since the day she gathered that mom & dad were getting food through them. She finally grasped the concept and now will scarcely touch her sippy cup.

Among her other advances is the more harrowing ability to climb on the sofa in our front room. She can't even walk yet but she's already learned to pull herself onto the cushions and slide herself off. The sofa serves as a barrier between the baby's half of the room and mom & dad's half. Emma realized that if she stood on top of the sofa she could get closer to dad. Our only problem with this development is that she hasn't figured out how to fall as gracefully from the arms of the sofa as from the front.


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