Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Emma was really tired.

Sleepy Babies!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Emma @ Wal-Mart

Monday, August 02, 2004

More photos from Lagoon Day, Grandma and Grandpa enjoy lunch.

More photos from Lagoon Day, Poly and James plan out the second half of the day.

More photos from Lagoon Day, Jenica after winning T-shirt.

More photos from Lagoon Day. (lunch at pavilion)

More photos from Lagoon Day. (Joshua)

More photos from Lagoon Day. Jen and Ben

Emma's so cute! (Heather and Duncacn's backyard).

Audry's ready to slide in Heather and Duncan's backyard.

More Emma at Heather and Duncacn's

Emma's havin' fun after dinner at Heather and Duncacn's.

Jack relaxes in the sandbox after dinner.

Emma and Josh are coralled by Clair at Heather and Duncan's for dinner.

Emma demonstrates her feelings over playing in the river at Lagoon-A-Beach.

Emma enjoys the warm surface at Lgoon-A-Beach

Emma at Lagoon-A-Beach.

Emma and Mom went for a short swim in the Lazy River at Lagoon-A-Beach.

Audry and Jane are out like lights.

Grandpa and Hannah swing to a stop after a 150 foot drop on the Sky Coaster.

Grandma and Jenica prepare to ride the catapult.

Erin and his crew look on as the catapult flies skyward.

Grandpa Youngberg wasn't sure weather to be excited or insulted over winning a toaster at the Motor Cargo luncheon on Lagoon day